Make A Promise

See what others have promised!

“I promise to always strive for my best in school.”
“I promise to treat everyone with respect, even if they don't treat me the same way because I believe second chances. Everyone is a human being.”
“I promise to continue to try to improve the city by continuing to attend Youth Council meetings and trying my hardest on all projects.”
“I promise to have something everyday to look forward to, to keep a smile on my face.”
“"I promise not to give up on my goals"-Elizabeth”
“I promise to put my best effort into school, and try to get high honors and into algebra.”
“I promise to give a smile and receive a smile every day”
“I promise to always put school before sports and to continue to try to get all A's in school.”
“I promise to not stay hung on grief and move on with my life because if I only focus on grieving my grades,social life, and any chance of success in life will decrease. -Student”
“I promise to walk through each day with a smile and look for the good in every situation.”
“I promise to keep high expectations in school work and my grades and get high honors.”
“I promise to do to all my homework no matter how much my friends are spamming me to play fortnite.”
“I promise to recognize everyone with a smile.”
“I promise that I will work hard on my school work”
“I promise to push myself to get all A´s throughout high school.”
“"I promise to continue teaching an after school strength & conditioning program for all Newburyport Youth to help them maintain and build confidence through movement." Mr. Murphy”
“I promise to work with communities to help them find new and creative ways they can support their youth.”
“I promise to give youth a voice in the community and advocate for them to be heard.”